Evenimente NCP @ UEFISCDI

ERC Info Day

11 May 2022, 10.00-12.00 (CEST)
11.00-13.00 (CEST+1)

On 11th of May, 2022, the European Research Council (ERC), together with the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization and the NCP Unit of UEFISCDI, is organizing an online information session on ERC actions and tools.

În data de 11 mai 2022 (11.00-13.00), Agenția Executivă a Consiliului European pentru Cercetare (ERC-EA) organizează împreună cu Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării și Unitatea NCP din UEFISCDI, o sesiune online de  informare privind acțiuni și instrumente ERC.

Details and registration
Detaliile evenimentului

Event Details

The purpose of this online session is to encourage researchers to apply to Horizon Europe's ERC program by providing them with the right information, both from the ERC programme officers and from ERC grantees in Romania. From the people who organize calls and evaluate the proposals, to the successful beneficiaries, the participants in this event will have the chance to obtain information and recommendations regarding the preparation of a successful proposal. The event includes presentations and speeches by national representatives and the ERC, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions about the ERC program directly to the speakers.
The event will be held in English.

Scopul acestei sesiuni online este de a încuraja cercetătorii să aplice la programul ERC din Orizont Europa, oferindu-le informațiile potrivite, atât din partea ofițerilor de program din ERC, cât și a beneficiarilor de granturi ERC din România. De la persoanele care organizează apeluri și evaluează propunerile, până la beneficiarii de succes, participanții la acest eveniment vor avea șansa de a obține informații și recomandări cu privire la pregătirea unei propuneri de succes.Evenimentul include prezentări și intervenții din partea reprezentanților naționali și ERC, iar dumneavoastră veți avea posibilitatea de a pune întrebări despre programul ERC direct vorbitorilor.
Evenimentul va fi susținut în limba engleză.

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Moderator: Antoaneta Victoria Folea

Head of Unit NCP Horizon Europe @ UEFISCDI

Dr. Antoaneta Victoria Folea is a senior researcher and associate professor in the field of Social Sciences, with a PhD in Chemistry and a PhD in Political Sciences. She is a Monitoring Officer, expert evaluator and rapporteur with the European Commission for more than 15 years. Dr. Folea acted as Romanian national representative in the European Commission Programme Committees and in the Technical Secretariat of COST. She is former Programme Officer with DG Research & Innovation with the European Commission and and expert on Strategic Choices for Education Reform with the Institute of the World Bank. Currently, Dr. Folea is Head of Unit – NCP for Horizon Europe with the Executive Agency for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) in Romania.



The ERC Info Day will cover the following topics:

  • Opening remarks
    • Iulia MIHAIL - Director of the Romanian Office for Science and Technology to the EU, Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalisation
    • Prof. Andrzej JAJSZCZYK, Vice-President of the European Research Council
  • ERC National Contact Point in Romania: Services to ERC Applicants
    • Laura CHIRILĂ, ERC National Contact Point,  Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
  • Roundtable session (incl. Q&A): Tips and  Advice for a successful funding application to ERC    
    • Alida TIMAR-GABOR, Babes Bolyai University, ERC grantee
    • Costin RAICIU, Politehnica University of Bucharest, ERC grantee
    • Andrei TERIAN-DAN, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, ERC grantee
    • Laura VISU-PETRA, “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, ERC Panel Member
  • Wrap  up and closing remarks    
    • Prof. Adrian CURAJ, General Director at Executive  Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
    • Prof. Andrzej JAJSZCZYK, Vice-President of the European Research Council

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